Thursday, April 9, 2009

सही फ़ैसला. मज़बूरी और जन आन्दोलन का डर.

मेरे पिछले दो पोस्ट मे मैंने चुनाब पर कुछ लिखा था। उसका सीधा संबंध इंदिरा गाँधी , स्वर्ण मन्दिर , चौरासी का वर्ष , कांग्रेस के उमीदवारों और एक आम आदमी के वोट करने के अधिकार और मनचाहा उमीदवार चुनने की लालसा का अल्पविश्लेषण था। एक खास वर्ग के द्वारा अभी हफ्ते भर चले जन आन्दोलन तथा वर्षों से चले आ रहे खुंदक का बड़ा ही अच्छा असर हुआ। कांग्रेस की मज़बूरी कहें या गले में आ फंसी हड्डी से बचने का उपाए। जो भी हो फ़ैसला जन हित मे हुआ। आख़िर प्रजातंत्र मे ऐसी तानाशाही कब तलक बर्दास्त की जावेगी। हिन्दी इम्पेरिअलिस्म और एक पार्टी मत से हम कब तक भारतीय कहे जाने वालों को ख़ुद से अलग-थलग रखेंगे। विभिन्न संस्कृतियों का देश भारत जहाँ कई भाषा , विचार और परिवेश के लोग रहते हैं.....उन्हें आपनी बातरखने का पूरा हक है। चंद लोगों के लिए एक पुरे समूह को दरकिनार नही किया जा सकता।
जय हिंद .....
अब मैं पुरजोर आवाज़ मे कह सकता हूँ की वोट करूँगा और पप्पू नही बनूगा.

Cecil Baugh - The moulding of a master

THE ART OF THE POTTER is demonstrated by a young Cecil Baugh, who wasthe instructor at Maggotty Potteries which was founded by the Hon.Donald Farquharson to teach pottery to the young people of St.Elizabeth. Mrs. Taylor of Maggotty donated the lands for the school.
Christina Benjamin, Gleaner Writer
WHERE DOES the life of a master potter begin? Is he born with thetalent, or is it moulded into him? Pottery master the Honourable CecilArchibald Baugh, O।J।, really complicates the answer to thesequestions. His life is filled with the twists and turns, theintricacies and hardships necessary to provide any artist with anemotional influence.

Baugh was born on November 22, 1908 in Bangor Ridge, Portland, toIsaac Baugh, a sawyer, and Emma Cobran-Baugh, a farmer. This is thesimple foundation upon which 'The Jamaican Master Potter' was formed.
Every Saturday from the age of nine, Baugh accompanied his mother onfoot seven miles to Buff Bay to sell her produce. Being one of fourchildren, he was often chosen to accompany his mother to Kingstonwhere his brother was studying engineering. On this trip he saw whatsome might call his vision: two women firing a kiln to make yabbas ­this was his introduction to the pottery-making process. His storybrings to mind the biblical tale of Jeremiah's journey to the potter'shouse, one of Baugh's favourite lessons.
Cecil Baugh soon moved to Kingston and began an apprenticeship underSusan and Ethel Trenchfield who hailed from St. Elizabeth. Baugh gotmarried in 1928 to Beryl Ebanks, Susan Trenchfield's niece. Later, heworked alongside Wilfred Lord a free form potter. His background isreflected in his teaching, "We got the clay for our stoneware fromCastleton Garden" says former student Maxine Grey, "We would have towalk over the bridge to the hill to get the clay, and we would prepareit. Today you can just buy the clay ... but not us, he made us get itourselves."
Baugh sold much of his early pottery as a 'yabba man', selling atstreet markets. He then worked as a grounds keeper in Montego Bay, andlater as a door-to-door pottery salesman in Kingston. He soon returnedto Montego Bay where he opened his own studio, The Cornwall ClayWorks. He sustained the studio for five years before leaving it toexplore the world of pottery making. In order to be the best, he wouldhave to see what lay beyond the boundaries of traditional Jamaicanpottery .
Baugh joined the British army in 1941 and travelled to Lancashire,England, for training. He later went on a voyage to South Africa,where he found himself slapped by the hand of racial discrimination.He moved on to Cairo, Egypt. Here, he was introduced to a method ofpottery glazing which mirrored his self-invented 'Egyptian Blue'.According to Baugh, he was fascinated by this finding. Baugh was oneof the few remaining soldiers in his regiment after the war. He choseto stay in Egypt for three years, and then visited Aden where he wentto art school briefly.
In 1946 he returned from World War II to a home which had been tornapart by tragedy. His mother and daughter died in his absence, and hismarriage was failing. It is said that tragedy shapes the spirit justas it breaks the heart. Again he became like the clay he so loved -moulded by his experiences. One thing every potter knows aboutpreparing clay for shaping is that, in order for the artwork tosurvive inside the fires of the kiln, all air bubbles must be removed,and so the clay must be kneaded or 'beaten' to perfection. In lateryears, to add one last bruise to his 'beating', his second wife diedtragically in 1986.
Earlier however, upon his return from the war, Baugh opened a potterystudio on Mountain View Avenue. He then travelled to the UnitedKingdom in June 1948 where he studied with Margaret Leach and thefamous British potter Bernard Leach. In an article done by TheGleaner, he referred to this time as "The start of my career as an artpotter ... My glory years." During this time he was truly 'shaped' andprepared for the 'glazing' his new-found knowledge would attract him.He learnt the artistic and scientific methods behind making glazes,working with clay, building wheels and kilns, and firing among otherthings. These priceless shards of knowledge he brought back toJamaica, where he planted the pottery seed - an element of artistrythat has now bloomed within the country.
Phillip Brian, another of his many students, reminisces: "He was amaster of the potter's wheel ... I remember my first time entering theschool on Central Avenue. Cecil demonstrated the making of a beautifulpitcher on the potter's wheel. Then, when he was finished, he justdestroyed it ..." Brian says the students were appalled. "To him itwas just a demonstration ... He said, 'The best is always ahead ofyou'।p"
The glazing refers to the decoration of a newly shaped piece of claywork before it is placed in the kiln. This is when the clay finallybecomes recognisable for its beauty ... the finishing stages, when allare able to see the work as it will be: no longer the simple structurethat it was originally, but now recognisably extraordinary. Baughentered into this stage of his life when, in 1950, he founded theSchool of Arts and Crafts, now known as the Edna Manley College of theVisual and Performing Arts.

Mari Sigurdson shared with The Gleaner: "His dream was to create aJamaica Potter's

Association ... Every potter in Jamaica has someinfluence of Cecil Baugh - even foreigner's ­ everyone! He was willingto share with everybody।" Baugh was head of the Ceramics Department atthe school until he retired in 1974। "I went to art school to paint!"exclaimed Grey in an interview with The Gleaner: "He had such aninfluence on my life - I had to change to pottery.
This was only the beginning. He has had so many accomplishments thatto list them all within this article would surely take up the greaterpart of this - the Arts Section.
Cecil Baugh is a legend in the pottery world. Referred to as'Jamaica's Master Potter', he has won numerous honours for his work:the Silver Musgrave Medal of the Institute of Jamaica (IOJ), 1964; theOrder of Distinction, 1975 National Honours; the Norman Manley Awardof Excellence, 1977; the Centenary Medal of the IOJ, 1980; the JamaicaBauxite Institute Award, 1981; the Gold Musgrave Medal of the IOJ,1984; the George William Gordon Award for Excellence in the VisualArts, 1994; and the Order of Jamaica presented in 2003.
When clay is fired, the glaze and the shape become a fixed part of thepiece. The magnificence of the work is set into permanence. CecilBaugh is just that ... a permanent part of Jamaican history. Yet, Imust dare to deviate from the norm and ask that he not be rememberedsimply by his awards, his titles, and his unending list ofachievements. I dare to ask that he not be remembered simply as'Jamaica's Master Potter'. Instead, I appeal to people to rememberthis master as he was in his 'un-glazed' form - as a teacher.
His memory surely resides within his many pupils. "Once you startedtalking to Cecil you became a student of his ..." says Baugh's friendDavid Dunn. "If you sat down with him for an hour you would definitelylearn something about ceramics ... and about life." His influence iswidely felt. He has left two daughters: Ms. Leila Baugh and MyrtleEbanks: "He was a man of great determination and he put his heart andsoul into everything ... He was strong, in his own right, even thelast time I saw him. He lived as a soldier; He will die as a soldier,"Mrs. Ebanks told The Gleaner.
Cecil Baugh has been handled like any truly priceless work of art:beginning as clay - naturally exquisite - simple with unformedpotential, moulded by the hands of the most renowned pottery artistsaround the world, and as any prized product of the art world - aged toperfection.
One of Cecil Baugh's favourite quotes sums up his life: "Painting isgood, but pottery never dies." Cecil Baugh, like any priceless work ofpottery, will truly never die.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

पप्पू मत बने वोट करें ....

कौन पप्पू बनना चाहता है। सब अपने हक़ .....अस्मिता के लिए संघर्षरत हैं... यही आम आदमी का बायो डाटा है। और मैं इस से परे नही हूँ। सवाल ये नही है की सिर्फ़ वोट करना है , सवाल ये है की अप्प्रोप्रिअत उमीदवार को चुनना है॥ अगर मेरी जैसी मुसीबत मेरे दोस्त के गले पड़ जावे ( दोस्त वो जिनने मुझे पप्पू लिखा है ) तो पता चले।
पार्टी के अस्तर से अगर देखें तो मैं बड़ा चूजी हूँ। नेशनल लेवल पर किसी को पसंद करता हूँ तो रीजनल लेवल पर किसी को। बिहार में एक खासी पकड़ रखने वाली पार्टी का मैं पुरजोर समर्थक हूँ। ये अलग बात है की मैं न ही जाति से और न ही पृष्ठभूमि से इस पार्टी का कभी सगा रहा हूँ। ये तो एक भावनत्मक जुडाव है। हुआ यूँ की बिहार के एक लोकप्रिय नेता और इस क्षेत्रीय पार्टी के कदावर सदस्य से मेरा मिलना उनके निजी कार्यालय में हुआ। उनकी आपकता देख ,आश्चर्य मे डूब गया और सोचेने लगा की सफेदपोश नेता लोग क्या इन मंत्री जैसे भी होते हैं। ये मेरा वक्तिगत अनुभब रहा, जिसे बुन कर मैंने उन नेता जी की साफ़ छवि अपने मन मे बना ली और पार्टी का सपोर्टर बन गया।
विचारधारा का बीच मे आना लाजमी है, और इसी पर एक व्यक्ति का वजूद भी टिका है- जो उसे आदमी बनाता है। पर्सनल होते हुए विचारधारा मे परिवर्तन किया जा सकता, लेकिन मुझे नही लगता की कोई ऐसी भी परिस्थति हो सकती है जिसमे वोट डालना जरूरी ही हो। मेरे जैसे सिचुएशन मे पड़ने वाले को नेक सलाह ( अपने मगज मे चाबी भरो ....और उसे सोचने के लिए छोड़ दो।)।

Friday, April 3, 2009

वोट और नेता

मुझे याद है वो दिन जब मै पहली दफा वोट डालने गया था। मेरी उमर तक़रीबन १५ बरस रही होगी। बाबूजी के साथ गया था, और वोट डालना क्या , मेरी जिद की वजेह से एक पड़ोस के जानने वाले ने आपना बैलेट मुझे डालने को दे दिया था। बस वोट डालने का रिचुअल पूरा हुआ और मुझे भी खुशी मिली। इस घटना के बाद कभी ऐसा नही लगा की वोट बहुमूल्य है तथा इसका प्रयोग करना चाहिए। ७ बरस से दिल्ली मै रह रहा हूँ लेकिन वोटर आई कार्ड नही था। इस लोक सभा इलेक्शन से पहले कार्ड मिलने की उम्मीद है- तो उत्सुकता भी॥ मेरा क्षेत्र दक्षिणी दिल्ली पड़ता है... कल तक मै बड़ा उत्साही था की इस दफा वोट ज़रूर डालना है , लेकिन कल के समाचार पत्र को पढ़ कर बड़ी निराशा हाथ लगी.... जिस पार्टी को वोट देना था उसने ऐसा उम्मीदवार खड़ा किया है जिसे मेरी विचारधारा वाला व्यक्ति कभी नही चुन सकता ....... चलो वोट करने का ख्वाब ख्वाब ही रह गया.... देखते है जनतंत्र तेरा क्या होगा.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

शहर दिल्ली , दिल्ली ६ नही पूरी दिल्ली

ओलाफ पाल्मे मार्ग रोज़ का सफर .....
मुनिरका मार्केट , ३६५ , ६/१०, और फेरी वाला , ५ के ३ केले, सुबह का नाश्ता .....
पान की दुकान, gang नाथ चौक --- हफ्ते मे एक पान.....मिथला की खुशबू नही और बनारस का खेर( कत्था) नही ...
पंचशील, स्वामीनगर रोज़ की दिनचर्या ......
किताबें, असम, और सत्त्रिया डांस कोंतेम्प्रोरी काम.....
पुराना किला और एक जूमला, निर्मल वर्मा, " वो शहर शहर नही जहाँ कोई खंडहर नही "" मैं ऐसे शहर मे रहता हूँ जहाँ इतिहास खंडहर के रूप मे पसरा पड़ा है"।
गियानी का कुल्फी -फलूदा- रुपये ३५, पता- फतेहपुरी मस्जिद " मेरी माँ ने चखा अच्छा लगा"
निजामुद्दीन- जुम्मे रात की कवाली , निकलते समय अल्लादीन का एक गिलोरी पान........
कनाट प्लेस - कवेन्तेर्स का मिल्क शेक .........
छुट्टी के दिन दोपहर का खाना .... चावल, साम्भर , रसम, सब्जी ,आचार,दही, और पपदम ।
अप्रैल...भक्ति उत्सव -नेहरू पार्क और छन्नू लाल मिश्रा.......
लोक सभा टीवी - गप्पू जी--- प्रोंजेय गुहा ठाकुरता ......
बीबीसी-पाणिनि आनंद
ये सब कुछ दिन के घटनाक्रम ....
अभी हाल मे स्लम डोग ....देखा...क्रिटिकल न होते हुए कहूँ... मज़ा आ गया।
अनुराग कश्यप-फ्रस्ट्रेशन से उबरे, रिजल्ट " देव-डी और गुलाला" कोचेलिनी बनी प्रेमिका- कुंठा का शमन ।
अभी मैं सुधीर कक्कर के काम सबंधी कुछ lekhan पढ़ रहा हूँ , रोचक है.... मूल काम सूत्र टिका तथा रति रहस्य भी हाल मे पढ़ा-क्लिस्ट है ...और आज सम्भव भी नही..... अलका पांडे और न्यू एज कामसूत्र भी हाथ लगी.... और साइमन दे वोबर की डी सेकंड सेक्स , और ओशो को पढता रहा हूँ । आने वाले कुछ दिनों मे इन सब अध्यन पर एक पोस्ट लिखने की कोशीश करूँगा...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

मेरे दोस्त मेरे भाई जिंदाबाद, टाटा, सकलडीहा,रामनगर,सामनेघाट और राम-सलाम

मेरा एक दोस्त है उसने लम्बी सफर तै की है ...न..न..न॥ चलने में नही .....दौड़ने में नही ....न ही ghumakari में। अरे उसने २७५ सीसी की नई फटफटियाली है , एक कदम भी पावों पे न वो । तो फ़िर लम्बी सफर कैसी । ये तो अलग मामला है॥ लव .....लव.....लव... समझे ..... उनकी कई प्रेमिकाएं रही हैं ...बच्चे वाली तथा बिना बच्चे वाली...(mwaf करें और कृपया इसे अशलील न समझे) खैर इस बात् के जीकर होते ही वे कन्नी कट जाते हैं। कहते है मैं साफ़ आदमी हूँ , भला प्रेम करने वाले (असाफ़ )होते हैं। कौन समझे और कौन समझाए। इस केस वाले कभी कभी दुखी-दुखी लगते हैं , आपने भी पड़ोस मे देखा होगा। ये भी कभी हो जाया करते हैं। कहते हैं मन नही लगता...उजाड़ सा सुबकुछ लगता है॥ फ़िर ठीक भी हो जाते हैं....और ऐसे जड़ते हैं ...की सुनने वाला ( जैसे की मैं दुखी हो जाता हूँ)। लकिन ये चलेगा मेरे दोस्त। अन्तिम ख़बर मिलने तक ये एक लड़की से लगातार चिपके हुए हैं -फ़ोन पर ... मेरे कमरे पर भी आते हैं तो मुझ से कम फ़ोन से जयादा चोच ladaate हैं....
कन्क्लुसोन- फ़ोन पे पैसे मत खर्चो ...तुम समझदार हो... आगे देखना....
* title मे कुछ शब्द जो आए है वो हम दोनों के कभी पूरक रहे हैं, आज भी हैं और रहेंगे.....

इश्वरी नारायण सिंह
वकील साहब की लस्सी
चुंगी का पान
साम्नेघट की धूल
यादव जी की लड़की
पटेल जी का लौज
गंगा का पानी
मालवीय जी की मूर्ति

दिल्ली दिलवालों की या पैसे वालों की

मै मुनिरका की एक तंग गली में रहता हूँ। बस रह लेता हूँ । कारण, वो गली इतनी तंग है की हवा भी मुश्किल से आ पाती है। नल में पानी नही आता, खिड़कियाँ दीवालों मे जड़ दी गई हैं। रहना तो यहीं है पर जीना मुहाल है। ऊपर से मकान मालिक का टेंशन , ये मत करो वो मत करो , पानी कम खर्च करो और न जाने क्या क्या, फेहरिस्त लम्बी है। रोज़ सुबह काम पर जाने से पहले प्लास्टिक की बोतलें ले कर पीने का पानी लेने तीसरी मजिल से निचे जाना पड़ता है । अगर कोई आगया मेरे कमरे पर और रात वहीँ लुढ़क गया तो पानी के लाले पड़ जाते है। akki जी के सुझाव से मैंने निश्चय कर लिए की पानी अब २० रुपये वाली बोटेल से खरीद कर ही पियूँगा। सो अब पी रहा हूँ......हाँ थोड़ा खर्चा बढ़ गया है। कोई बात नही पानी का सवाल है। मै पहले भी पानी खरीद कर पी सकता था, लेकिन लगता था औकात से ज्यादा की बात हो जावेगी -यहाँ पैसे का मसला न था बल्कि मेंटल hangover की बात थी।

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

कभी कभी ओके ज़िन्दगी

मेरा क्या होगा कालिया , कल्लू ने पुछा । कालिया क्या बोले , वो तो कुछ नही जानता था। यहाँ कल्लू वो आदमी है जो दिल्ली में आम है खास नही, और कालिया उसका अंतरमन है। में कल्लू और कालिया के बिच हमेशा फंशा रहता हूँ। और मेरे जैसे आम दोस्त। कल की ही बात है अक्की भाई क्रेडिट कार्ड का बिल टाइम पर ना अदा करने के कारन काफी खौफजदा थे॥ उन्हें डर था की कहीं ३५० रुपए के चप्पत फाइन के रूप मे न लग जावे । भाई मिहनत की कमाई आगर लुच्चे-लापारी के हाथ लग जावे या उन सरीखे दलाल बैंक वालो के तो दुःख किसे नही होगा।
गुड न्यूज़ -- सुबह दूरभास पर अक्की जी ने बताया की फाइन नही लगा , तो पार्टी का कुछ सीन बनता है।
एक गैंडे ने इस होली पर उनका बहूत रस्गूला खाया। डकार तक ना ली। अगर आपके हाथ ये ब्लॉग लग जावे तो कृपया उस पेट के दुश्मन को न बतावें , ये मेरी गुजारिश है।

Sunday, March 8, 2009

जब फागुन रंग झमकते होंतब देख बहारें होली कीपरियों के रंग दमकते होंख़ुम शीशे जाम छलकते होंमहबूब नशे में छकते होंजब फागुन रंग झमकते होंनाच रंगीली परियों काकुछ भीगी तानें होली कीकुछ तबले खड़कें रंग भरेकुछ घुँघरू ताल छनकते होंजब फागुन रंग झमकते होंमुँह लाल गुलाबी आँखें होंऔर हाथों में पिचकारी होउस रंग भरी पिचकारी कोअँगिया पर तक के मारी होसीनों से रंग ढलकते होंतब देख बहारें होली कीजब फागुन रंग झमकते होंतब देख बहारें होली की

कौन जतन करूँ रूठे पिया

कौन जतन करूँ रूठे पिया
The song is enchantingly sung by the Ustaad duo from Jaipur.
कौन जतन करूँ, रूठे पिया अगन लगी है मोरे जिया स्थायी पी के मिलन की आस न टूटे नैनन माँहि बसो रसिया १ कोयल कूके, कोंपल झूमे ठंढी पवन चले, लरजे जिया २ हिल-मिल खेलें संग सहेली को संग खेले बिरहनिया ३

Jab Phagun Rang Jhamakate

jab phaagun rang jhamakte hoN tab dekh bahaareN holii kii pariiyoN ke rang damakte hoN, Khum shiish jaam chalakte hoN mehbuub nashe meN chhakte hoN
jab phaagun rang jhamakte hoN
(Khum : wine pitcher)
naach rangiilii pariiyoN kaa, kuch bhiigii taaneN holii kii kuch table khaRkheN rang bhare, kuch ghungruu taal khanakte hoN
jab phaagun rang jhamakte hoN
muNh laal gulaabii aaNkheN hoN aur haathoN meN pichkaarii hoN us rang bharii pichkaarii ko angiyaa par tak kar maarii ho Nsiino se rang Dhalakte hoN tab dekh bahaareN holii kii
Nazir Akbarabadi

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

जाट, नीग्रो और शंकर

कोई कहता है की यूँ होता है मै ये कहता हूँ की ये होता है ना जाने इस दुनिया मै क्या क्या होता है । मुनिरका की गली मै कोई नीग्रो किसी जाटको यूँ हरकता है की क्या कहें । ७६४ नंबर की बस मै रोज़ सफर करता हूँ । कंडक्टर जाट होता है हमेशा । इस तरेह सलूक करता है जैसे नीग्रो की खुंदक मुझ बिहारी पर निकल रहा हो । फ्रस्ट्रेशन । क्या करे बेचारा जाट होने के बावजूद शरीर से कम पड़ता है। मुझे इसका दुःख नही होता , मै बिहारी हूँ और मुझे jhelne की आदत है... कबी कभी तो बिहारिओं को भी झेलना पड़ता है। अब शंकर भाई को ही liijiiye रोज़ सुबह तलक शाम अंगरेजी का धौंस जमाते है॥ मै क्या करू मजबूर हूँ, ७६४ की तरेह । मुझे कुछ जुगत सूझती है, और कहता हूँ उनके गंजेपने पर फाकते कसते हुए की मिया मुनिरुद्दीन से तेल ले आओ , मालिश करो फायदा होगा। लेकिन फिर फंश जाता हूँ... वो कहते है उमर अब्दुल्ला और राहुल गाँधी को देखा है ...... अब तो उन्होंने रूपये १३५० का chashma भी खरीद लिया लिया है ....पक्के नवाब लगेंगे अब तो वे...
मै कुछ नही कह सकता,
तुम फिर जीत गए.

बहादुर शाह ज़फर

yaa mujhe afsar-e-shaahaa na banaayaa hotaa
yaa meraa taaj gadaayaa na banaayaa hotaa
[afsar-e-shaahaa=royal officer; gadaaya=like a beggar]
Khaak_saarii ke liye garache banaayaa thaa mujhe
kaash Khaak-e-dar-e-jaanaa.N na banaayaa hotaa
nashaa-e-ishq kaa gar zarf diyaa thaa mujh ko
umr kaa tang na paimaanaa banaayaa hotaa
[zarf=knowledge; tang=short]
apanaa diivaanaa banaayaa mujhe hotaa tuune
kyo.n Khirad_mand banaayaa na banaayaa hotaa
sholaa-e-husn chaman me.n na dikhaayaa us ne
varanaa bul_bul ko bhii paravaanaa banaayaa hotaa
roz-e-mamuuraa-e-duniyaa me.n Kharaabii hai 'Zafar'
aisii bastii se to viiraanaa banaayaa hotaa
Home Index of Poets

बहादुर शाह ज़फर

tum na aaye ek din kaa vaadaa kar do din talak tum na aaye ek din kaa vaadaa kar do din talak
ham pa.De ta.Dapaa kiye do do pahar do din talak
[talak = till]
dard-e-dil apanaa sunaataa huu.N kabhii jo ek din
rahataa hai us naazanii.n ko dard-e-sar do din talak
dekhate hai.n Khvaab me.n jis din kisuu kii chashm-e-mast
rahate hai.n ham do jahaa.N se beKhabar do din talak
[kisuu = kisii = someone; chashm-e-mast = intoxicating eyes]
gar yaqii.n ho ye hame.n aayegaa tuu do din ke baad
to jiye.n ham aur is ummiid par do din talak
[yaqii.n = believe/trust]
kyaa sabab kyaa vaastaa kyaa kaam thaa batalaa_iye
ghar se jo nikale na apane tum "Zafar" do din talak
[sabab = reason]
रचनाकार: धूमिल
वहाँ न जंगल है न जनतंत्रभाषा और गूँगेपन के बीच कोईदूरी नहीं है।एक ठंडी और गाँठदार अंगुली माथा टटोलती है।सोच में डूबे हुए चेहरों औरवहां दरकी हुई ज़मीन मेंकोई फ़र्क नहीं हैं।वहाँ कोई सपना नहीं है। न भेड़िये का डर।बच्चों को सुलाकर औरतें खेत पर चली गई हैं।खाये जाने लायक कुछ भी शेष नहीं है।वहाँ सब कुछ सदाचार की तरह सपाटऔर ईमानदारी की तरह असफल है।हाय! इसके बादकरम जले भाइयों के लिए जीने का कौन-सा उपायशेष रह जाता है, यदि भूख पहले प्रदर्शन हो और बाद मेंदर्शन बन जाय।और अब तो ऐसा वक्त आ गया है कि सच को भी सबूत के बिनाबचा पाना मुश्किल है।
साभार कविताकोश

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Early Indian Terracottas


This work is an attempt to study the female terracotta figurines of Bihar, especially of the Mauryan period (C.4th -2nd C. B.C.) and to asses its role in the socio-religious aspect of people’s life. I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. (Dr.) Anupa Pande Head of Department and my guide, without whose guidance, this work couldn’t have seen the light of the day. I would also like to thank the library staff of National Museum and Patna Museum, who often went out of way to help me in the accomplishment of my work. Thanks also due to my friends who regularly went through the manuscript and add value to it through constant suggestion and inputs.


The accession of Chandragupta Maurya to the throne of Magdha in 321 B.C[1]. Marks the beginning of the Mauryan dynasty under whose rule the Magadhan empire reached the apex of glory. Sources available for understanding the history of Mauryan period may be divided into two groups, literary and archaeological. By the time of Mauryan rule was established in Magadh, Sanskrit had emerged as a rich Indian language. The Arthashastra of Vishnugupta throws important light on the contemporary social and political conditions. The Greek account Indica written by Megasthenes is also a credible source, though available only in fragments. It shows correspondence with the Kautilyan text at many places[2]. Archaeological excavations have provided invaluable information about Mauryan period. The entire life history of Ashoka has been constructed on the basis of inscriptions, rock and pillar edicts, stupas and cave excavations.
Buddhist caves, Ashokan pillars and stone sculptures are resplendent examples and staple of the Mauryan art, but terracottas which were widely used as household utensils since time immemorial classified as vernacular medium of art, carved a niche with its splendid and realistic appearance in this period.
In addition to the stone carvers, the potters of Mauryas fashioned clay to satisfy the needs of the society ranging from king to the lower ordinary people. Especially in the urban areas such as Bulandibagh and Kumarhar they fashioned extraordinary pieces and gained a special position parallel to other mediums of art. Among the terracotta centres flourished during the Mauryan reign, Buxar now a small town 120 km. away form Patna was one of the more important ones. Unlike Bulandibagh, Buxar produced numerous examples that represent fashionable ladies with elaborate headgear and typical ornaments composed with floral and foliage patterns. From this period we can notice few differences between the works of ordinary potters and the potter artists. The skilled potters were known as Rajakumbhkaras[3], commissioned by royal classes whether the ordinary potters served for the folk peoples. Both the potters are still working in our society.
Pataliputra,presently known as Patna and surrounding areas have yielded exquisite examples of this period. The large size female figurines wearing heavy jewellry, head dress, long skirt and distinguished by sensitive modelling are no doubt the work of skilled masters. Buxar, which was not the capital city in the Mauryan times, has yielded terracotta figurines completely distinct in nature and recall Pre-Mauryan mother goddesses. Most of them are completely hand made but few show the moulded face. Lack of drapery, heavy jewelry and typical Mauryan coiffure are clear indications of its belonging to the rural area. Bulandibagh and Patna city terracottas with their urban look were new arrivals in the domain of Indian art. Although Buxar and Mathura like rural areas produced terracottas with crudely modelled faces and physiognomy.
Terracotta centers are prolific in Bihar. According to chronology and for convenient study some important archeological sites have been selected here. The present paper is an attempt to focus the terracotta art activity of Bihar in the Muryan period (C. 4th -2nd B.C). The period has yielded diverse qualities of terracottas having several themes, taking queue from which, Sunga, Kushana, Gupta and Pala periods have been able to produce extraordinary examples of this art. It is really difficult to discuss the entire Mauryan terracottas in one seminar paper. For this reason in this seminar female figurines are selected as a theme, which are most common among the Mauryan terracottas.

General Characteristics

Mauryan sites have yielded two kinds of female figurines, the first one is completely nude or half nude, crude in appearance with broad hips and prominent breasts and the other one is clad with heavy sparse jewellry, thick drapery, head dress and sophisticated moulded face. Stella Kramrisch has divided early terracotta figurines in two categories, namely timeless and timed bound[4]. Figurines of both this categories have been found in abundance from Mauryan sites. While time bound types are found in urban centers and timeless type in rural areas, presence of timeless types in urban center reveals that some sacred rites were observed and urban people indulged with clay, also. The timeless figurines are made entirely by hand. Most prominent features of this type of figurines are the broad hips in contrast to the comparatively narrow waist, the arms and legs, which end in stumps without any indication of hands and feet[5]. The arms are outstretched and the face is detailed by pinched nose and eyes are indicated by circlets or deep incisions and the navel is indicated by a punched circlet. In this group, most of them are female figurine in nude but few have appliqué drapery and ornaments, girdle and neck collar. In some figurines a punch mark has been found on the abdomen and waist like the goddess from the chalcolithic site of Kulli[6].
In the second group, a new class of terracotta figurines appeared in the Mauryan period because they had moulded faces. In this group, figurines are treated artistically showing sensitive modelling. Although the face is pressed out from mould but the ears, the hair and the headdress, are added separately. The female figurines are quite large in size wearing heavy jewellary i.e earrings, girdles and two or three (trilari) strand necklaces. Different types of headdresses and draperies are also visible. Anatomically, hips are pronounced, waists are narrow and the breasts are delicately modelled in full bloom resembling the Didarganj Yakshi. The appliqué technique seems to be common to both the ageless and the ‘time bound’ terracottas. But the additive technique is employed mostly in the time bound[7]. The technique of partly mould made and partly hand modelled figurines were practiced at all Mauryan sites not confined only to the urban centres like Chandraketugarh and Bulandibagh. Buxar, a rural centre has also yielded figurines with moulded face. This technique seems to have been popular with the modellers of all ages.
On the basis of stylization, it is difficult to say which one is the earliest example. The chronology of Indian terracottts has given rise to much speculation and several conclusions have been drawn from the existence of various types. Primitive type (timeless) has been drawn assigned an early example and sometimes a pre-historic date. The primitive type (esp. hand modelled, pinched nose, stumpy legs), however is as frequent at Mohenjodaro in the third millennium BC. as they are in the Ganges valley, from pre-historic times to the Gupta period and their number is not less today, made as they are by potters and in the villages of Bengal, Bihar and other parts of India. The purpose and meaning of these female figurines have never been satisfactorily explained. In one hand they are secular, visualizing the social life and in the other hand they are not general ladies but Yakshi or cult deity because of their elaborate headdress or exposed sex organs.
Bulandibagh figurines are often identified as dancers on the basis of their postures and costume. These are depicted with full of energy and motions with one arm raised and the other bent at the waist or in some cases playing a musical instrument. Their attire and body gesture compel us to believe that their presence in the Mauryan terracottas is to show the cultural milieu but not the religious affinity. Since the early times dance and music have been an important part of the social life in Bihar and this is proved by the discovery of numerous artifacts and early texts, which speak volume to this[8]. Even before the age of Mauryas, royal courts employed court dancers and promoted the performing arts in large extent. Amrapali the famous court dancer of Ajatashatru owned a special position in the society certifies the popularity of the performing arts and their aristocratic promotion. The Jatakas also mention the dance festival, dancers, jugglers and drummers.
The present paper encompasses all types of female figurines excavated from Buxar and Patna, the important Mauryan sites in Bihar.

Completely Hand Modelled Figurines

The female figurine(Fig.1) excavated from Buxar which is completely hand modelled and treated with dark slip that on the well known N.B.P. ware. She stands on stumpy legs with outstretched arms of which left is completely broken. The nose is pinched partly in bird like shape and the eyes are indicated by deep incised lines. The breasts are looking heavy, perfectly conical in shape and the nipples are marked by deep holes. The artiste does not portray her iconoplastically, display the abstracted and simplified body forms recognizable as humans more because of the upright posture. Though it shows the compact modelling, slim waist and wide flaring hips, this is further accentuated by the fact that her Kanchi or single stringed girdle comes low on the hips, emphasizing her heavy hip line. Her navel is an applied pallet. However, its depiction is little unusual and placed much lower than it has to be. The figurine is completely unadorned except the girdle bearing a vertical cult marks. However there are three painted lines on her neck depicting Trilari and such lines are painted on the arm seems armlet. The iconography derives that the beaked shaped female figurine seems to be Garuramata Suparna the Mother of the great eagle[9]. This type of female figurine is also found from Mathura. Though, similar type of figurine is still worshipped in the remote areas of Bihar and Bengal as her aspects of fecundity.[10]

The next example (fig.2) is also from Buxar and is completely hand modelled. Her flat face depicts the snouted mouth like those of animals. Her nose is pinched and the eyes are indicated by pallets, applied separately. She stands on stumpy legs with outstretched arms in which the left one is broken. Her breasts are not prominent like the pervious one but her hips are broad tapering downward. On the upper part of the head, deep incised lines indicate hair. The fingers and toes are also indicated by the same pattern. The figurine is finely baked treated with red slip and is decorated with horizontal bands all over the body. Two holes are visible in the top of her head creates some doubt about its use. Similar types of figurines and amulets with perforation on the top have been used for fashion or talisman as pendent. But the present example is quit large in size than the actual shape of a pendent. It seems that the object was used for decoration or in front a worshiper for meditation.
Similar type of female figurines with two flattened legs and supported by some projection on the back side are found from both the Mauryan sites Mathura and Buxar. These types of female figurine, having a antenna like projection or support force us to believe that they were kept in the position for ‘darshana’ in front of the worshipper, in the house or outer space. The available material confirms that in the Mauryan period, the cult of Mother Worship had become very popular and the moddlers introduced several iconographic features never witnessed earlier.

The next example (fig.3) from Buxar is carved in rudimentary manner, shows a woman holding a child in her left arm. She is completely hand modelled and the child in her left arm is modelled and affixed separately. The ears are high and flap out wards like those of animals and do not so credible anatomical rendering. She is shown wearing earrings stamped with chakra motifs. The nose is flat and pinched and mouth is marked by deep incised line. In fact the facial features are flat, yet special emphasis has given to the large diamond shaped eyes lined with collyrium. The lower half of the body is again peculiar and looks as if carved from a tree trunk, a cylindrical waist, two tubular legs and a projection behind for sitting. The lower half also appears like a tripod.
Mother and child became popular theme in the early Indian terracottas. On a seal discoverd at Nalanda depicts a seated goddess with a child and having a tree in her right.[11] These types of female figurines frequently represented in during the Kushana period particularly in Gandhara[12], as a fertility figure accompanied by one or more children. In the Gupta period she has been added in the groups of Sapta Matriksas, holding a child in her arm.

Partly Mould Made Figurine
In this Example (fig.4) we can see the refined modelling in comparison with previous examples. Here the artiste has adopted a new technique of modelling and mingled it with the previous one i.e. hand modelling. The technical assimilation enabled him to create some of the most attractive figurines. The mixed technique has been resulted into iconographical as well as the anatomical perfection and persuaded in the later periods in more refined forms. The result of new technique is quite apparent in this figurine. We can notice the size of her face, which seems smaller in proportion as related to the other parts of the body but her small and flat facial feature depicts soft expression with small nose and half opened eyes never witnessed earlier. Her neck is thick and cylindrical; however the heavy and pendulous breasts are well modelled. A large floral pendent dominates her neck. The unique feature in this figurine is the covering of the head, which is embroidered and frilled. The conical shaped head covering, reaching to the eyes is ornamented with rosette patterns in horizontal registers. The figurine is completely nude whereas the privy parts are not indicated, she is wearing floral earrings seems to be Ashoka flowers pinned with cluster of Ashoka leaves. We can see similar type of leaves rolled on two dangling pads which are shown coming out from both the sides of the head covering,.
It is said that when a beautiful women kicks a Ashoka tree, then the whole tree bloosms into beautiful red flowers. Her facial expression with half opened eyes and the head covering seem to be an attitude of prayer. She also seems to be taking part in a rite or ritual may be the vegetation rite. According to pannani salabhanjika or tree goddess festival was prevalent in that time among women in which women decorate themselves with Ashoka flowers and leaves to participate in the ritual.[13] The cluster of Ashoka leaves and flowers in this figurine seems to be a type of ritual. Is it she Ashoka Bhanjika or Dohada.

The next example (fig-5) is also from Buxar has moulded face. It is noticeable that every moulded Buxar figurines depict somehow similar facial feature. A striking feature of the moulded female figurine is their enormous headgear, decorated with floral motifs and jewels. The female figurines from Buxar are cryptic in character, but aesthetically very interesting and quite different from the contemporary Bulandibagh figurines.
We can see a typical antenna like projection at the back, which supports her. The most distinctive feature in this figurine is her elaborate headgear, which is applied and consists of two lateral projections. The one on the left is rolled downward bears deep incised lines with impressed leaf pattern touching her forehead. While the other on the right is net (Jali) like pattern, probably the hair knotted with cloth straps; on the upper part of the forehead we can see a composition of beaded pattern, which seem to be the headband. Some additional leaves are also visible pinned in the right side of the headgear. Her neck is short affixed with a torque; however her heavy and pendulous breasts are well modeled. Her hands are outstretched like the previous examples and the legs are tubular. The fingers and toes are marked by deep incised lines. Her slender waist is further accentuated by tapering hips, emphasinging slim flank. Her nudity is well modeled and sensuous, even without a griddle on the waist, but the sex organ is not clearly indicated.
Another figurine from the same group which is some how modeled in similar fashion, except the floral pattern on the head gear and a necklace stamped with a large floral pendent dominating her heavy breasts. Similar type of pattern is impressed on the headgear. There is slight difference in the headgear. The right part of her headgear is decorated with beaded pattern but the entire arrangement is same like the pervious one. Leaves and floral pattern attached to the headgear suggest that these Buxar figurines have been made for same purpose. Such figurines have variously been identified as Apsaras or Yakshis but without any evidences. If they represent divine figures and were used as a cult object is a matter of speculation. No concrete evidence is available to support this. Several female heads are also unearthed from Buxar bearing similar patterns on the headgear or jewellery. Even their facial features are similar to one another indicates that their faces are made of single mould. Probably these are the works of same atelier.
These female figurines from Buxar are characterized by elaborate headgears but which, however, are different from other Mauryan figurines even the figurines of Patna which is situated in the same region.
The next groups of figurines are from Patna and Bulandibagh.

The present example (fig.6) shows a deep affinity with much celebrated stone sculpture of Didarganj Yakshi. The female figurine is undoubtedly a great work of art. Unfortunately her head is missing which may have been produced out of a mould. Her body is completely hand modelled and exquisitely ornamented like stone sculptures. Her breasts are heavy and globular; however the waist is much slender. She is wearing a heavy necklace that is missing on the left side. She wears two girdles, one is around the waist and the other is on the hips supporting the lower garment. The girdle on the waist is decorated with beaded pattern and knotted from which long silk strings ending in beaded tassels pass over the lower girdle. Multi pleated cloth which is tucked to the girdle covers her left thigh. However, the girdle on the hips is composed of floral motifs, fluted and plain beads. Her lower garment is plain on either side but folds are visible in the centre. The dress is very complicated. The cloth covering her left thigh does not create any sense. It is difficult to notice that her dress is either, dhoti or sari because the lower part of the figurine is broken.[14]

The graceful female figurine (fig7) excavated from Bulandibagh is one of the finest example of the Mauryan terracotta art. Her dainty face is pressed out of mould with slightly smiling and parted lips and a soft look. The soft look belie the latent energy that the figure seems to be imbued with. The high sloping forehead is covered by a heavy and conspicuous headgear, which is applied separately. The stylized arrangement of the headgear has two lateral cones affixed to which is ribbon like object or cloth stripe hanging on each side. There is one large circular disc and one smaller on each side on the top of the cones. Between the plaques there is bundle of funnel shaped objects on each side.
Three interpretations can be drawn from her curious headgear.
· The curious and elaborate arrangement of her headgear seems to be originally a composition of flower and leaves. It appears like she is wearing an entire garden on her head. It also seems that the artiste wanted to paint flora and fauna on the plain surface of the headgear but nothing substantiate this.
· Another argument is that the circular disc might be a mirror and similar discs are also affixed on the waist. Later it became fashionable to depict women wearing mirrors on her clothe and headgears. The mirror or darpana is already known from the oldest lists of the astamangalas or eight auspicious symbols.[15]
· For the third interpretation, there is yet another example from Bulandibagh (fig.8). The basic similarities between them may be traced in the headgear. There is central circular discs, two lateral cones and two circular discs flanking the large one in both the figurines. The headgear seems exactly like this except the incision marks.
The arrangement of her headgear seems that she has parted hair in trifoiled manner or Trikhandi. In classical shilpshastra, Trikhandi is documented as a type of hair design in which hair is parted and composed in three (Juda). The enormous arrangement of the headgear with circular discs that is reminiscent of similar stylistic conventions seen in Indus valley figurine.
Now coming to the other elements of the figurine, it is interesting to note that there are two different sorts of earrings worn by the figurine. The right ear carries a latoonuma earplug while the left a round plaque to the side of the long neck. She is wearing a double stranded necklace in her neck and a thick bangle on the right hand, which is affixed separately. Cone shaped latoo numa earrings are found in the Sunga and Kushana period up to the 7th C. AD. Even these types of earrings are also found in Ajanta. Bana Bhatta has also mentioned, wearing two types of earrings became a fashion among the women.
Both the figurines are wearing the upper garment. The first one is wearing a full blouse completely covering her waist and tucked by a high belt above the waist. The full blouse probably resembles the Kurpashaka.
The other figurines upper part is covered with a Duppatta like cloth put on shoulder that stride in such a way that it covers her breasts. The cloth is fastened tightly with a belt at the waist. Her dress is typical and there is no any such reference in the early texts about its type..
The next important part of the costume is the skirt, which is divided in two parts and bulges below the hips. The scintillating movement of the figure is clearly indicated by the flaring and flouncy skrirt. But it is parted in the centre is curious. The flouncy skirt looks unstitched cloth on the waist, which is tucked in the waistband, and wraps all around. Several figurines wearing such skirts have been excavated from Bulandibagh. In all the figurines we can see a cloth hanging below the waistband to the upper part. It seems like a petticoat or undergarment. Though several interpretations have been derived about such garments of the figurines, the explanation that these are petticoat seems most appropriate.

Another example from Bulandibagh (fig.9) supports the proposition that the cloth is undergarment, coming back to earlier figurines the parted feet and flouncy skirt show that the model is in a dancing pose. The skirt has been designed in such a way to facilitate easy movement of both the legs. While, the undergarment has been used to cover the privy part as when the dancer dances her parted skirt flies up.

A female figurine of the same group (fig.10) is holding a damaru, which is a usual accompaniment in a street dance. She is in standing posture, characterized by a great charm and movement. The right arm is raised to the side holding a drum shaped object and the left arm is lowered to the other side and with an object in the hand, raised in front of the chest. She wears a thick bangle on each hand. Her neck collar and girdle are composed of beaded strings. The skirt clings closely to the legs and its end is gathered in folds at the back and flutters wide on the right side with folds of great depth and wavy outline. The ornaments of the ears are missing. The hair appears parted in the middle and leaves the over high forehead uncovered in a trapezoidal shape. The moulded face displays the open eyes, short nose and thin lips, on the basis of anatomical details few scholars consider her un-Indian. They argue that her skirt, sparse jewellery and slender body show foreign influence or a handwork of Greek artist who attempt to portray an Indian women in the full bloom of her youth.
But if we compare these examples with a Greek one, then we find lots of differences among them. The Greek sculptures show a great emphasis on the anatomy, even the legs are executed in a very naturalistic manner. So, on the basis of anatomical details, dresses and jewellery, it is difficult to conclude that these figurines show a close affinity with the foreigners. The stone sculpture of Didarganj Yakshi is found adorned with similar jewellery and dresses the high anatomical standard of these sculpture and its influence on the contemporary terracotta figurines shed lights upon indigenous character. According to S.P. Gupta, “these dancing figurines are not at all different from the other smaller figures, we take them as indigenous”[16].
Few Tamaluk (Bengal) figurines are stylistically akin to those of the other Mauryan sites of Bihar. The terracotta figurines found from Bengal have close affinity with Bulandibagh figurines. There ornaments have similar patterns to neck ornaments adorn by Didarganj Yakshi.

A terracotta female figurine (fig.11) from Tamaluk is shown in standing posture. Her face is mould made but the rest part of the body is hand made. The cherubic innocence reflecting by her moulded face recalls Bulandibagh figurines. She is adorned with elaborate headgear composed with rounded discs similar to the Bulandibagh examples. The hair is parted in the middle and hanging on either side of the face. In the left side below the disc is an affixed pad with funnel shaped objects. Her left hand is in akimbo while the right is stretched holding the hopped skirt. Her upper and lower garments are both in appliqué. The lower garment is like a skirt tied in the waist with a band. Her neck ornament is heavy, bears cut marks. Her hands, one is on the waist and another is holding the lower garment, are quite suggestive that she appears to be ready for some dance performance.[17]
Bengal and Bihar were both important regions of Mauryan Empire. Mauryan kings used Tamramlipta, a port city of ancient Bengal for the trades with the foreign lands. Mahasthana inscription in Mauryan Brahmi, N.B.P. shreds at Bangarh, in Dinajpur district and terracotta figurines dug out from the sites of Chandraketugarh are akin to Bulandibagh figurines. According to Devangana Desai, “Magdhan terracottas were popular in other regions of Bihar and also possibly that they were traded. Chandraketugarh and Tamluk in Bengal have yielded some native specimens of this period. But they also show the influence of the Magdhan style”.

Sometimes we tend to speak of them (female figurines) as timeless and time bound. But these are the simplistic way to classify them. Early Indian terracotta without having any inscriptions creates some doubt to decipher their actual time period. The period to which these terracottas belonged is determined on the basis of Archaeological and stylistic features.

[1] For the chronology – Thapar, Romila, Early India from the origins to AD 1300, Penguin Books, 2003, New Delhi and Jha, D.N, Ancient India, Monohar, 2002, New Delhi.
[2] Jha D.N, Ancient India, page 99
[3] Desai, Devangana,Terracotta and Urban culture of Ancient India(c.600B.C.-A.D.700)P.60,National Museum Bulletin,New Delhi
[4] Kramrisch, Stella, JIOS vol -7,Indian Terracottas,P.93,Calcutta,!939
[5] Bautze, J.K, Early Indian Terracottas, page 12, E.J Brill, Leiden, 1985.
[6] Agrawal, V.S, Mathura Terracottas, Prithvi Prakashan, 1980, Varanasi (in this work he writes about the punch mark on the abdomen of several terracotts figurines. He tries to compare this mark with Kulli Mother goddess some Buxar examples have also these common signs.
[7] Anand, Mulk Raj, Beauties Born in the mud of the Potter’s Yard, Marg, p.4, Marg Publication,Bombay..1969
[8] Jatakas, Vol-7,ed. E.b. Cowell, pp.46-49,Cambridge university press,1907
[9] Satapatha Brahamana
[10] Dhavalikar, MadhukaSymbols and Manifestations of Indian Art, ed.Saryu Doshi, p44, Marg,1983,Patna Museum Catalogue.
[11]A.s.I,Memoir no.66,P42
[12] Ingholt,H and I. Lyons,Gandhara art in Pakistan,P145,Pantheon Books, New York,!957
[13] Agrawala, V.S. India as known to Panani,p229,Lucknow,1953
[14] Dhavalikar,M.k.,Masterpieces of Indian Terracotta Art,p51,Tarporvala,BomBay,1969
[15] Bautze,j.K.,Early Indian Terracottas,p18, E.J. Brill,Leiden,1995
[16] Gupta,S.P.,Roots of Indian art,p179,New Delhi,1981
[17] Biswas,S.S.,Terracotta art of Bengal,p104,Agam Kala Prakashan,New Delhi,1981

Mitti Ke Log-1

Mitti Ke Log-1This incident revolves around that time when I was unable to know about the widely extended clay on the face of the earth either black, yellow, red or brown, what contains, yielding plants and also solely responsible for the third basic amenity which all human being must have, i. e. house. Then, I was only seven or eight years old. As usual, I used to smell the clay and liked its natural aroma and that exists even today. Mother restrained me to leave it, so that I could be devoid of this unusual act. But due to curiosity for this simple clay, over a long time culminated into love and motivated me to do a research on related topic. Therefore I am researching on the potters of Delhi (MITTI KE LOG) >From the ancient civilizations we find the evidences of baked or unbaked clay objects of ritualistic or domestic purposes. Invention of the potter’s wheel (chaak) was the most striking incident of human civilization, which paved the path for a great scientific revolution and helped to produce bigger, articulate and aesthetically sound utensils. Man started making terracotta to give expression to his fears, religious urges, social life and amusement and to attain aesthetical enjoyment. Thus, a simple process whose only objective was utilitarian in the beginning evolved into a complex process as a medium of expression and became a work of art. It is impossible to say whether chaak had been invented, in India or somewhere else but the industrial revolution of Europe and the world moving on wheel is the out come of chaak.Kumbhar, one of the various castes of India, possess an honoured position due to their artistic skills. They are inhabited in each and every part of India. The whole Indian society is inseparably linked to the kumbharas. In the fast track life of today clay figurines and utensils are not used in day to day life as extensively as it were used earlier but, still it occupies unparalleled importance in religious rituals, festivals and marriage ceremony. Use of clay idols extensively in yearly Puja festivals of Durga, Ganesh, Sarasavati etc. and artifacts for decorative use in urban areas are showing new possibilities for the kumbhar community.Traditionally there have been kumbharas living in all areas of Delhi. Large number of their population has been switched over to other professions, but few of them are still doing their parental work.Uttamnagar, a suburb of Delhi, has the largest population of kumbharas near about 500. 11 Feb 2005, few mts. Back from Tilak pool, after crossing the drainage and walking 200mts. Along the road, I reached kumbhara toli( Prajapat colony). There clay pots, toys, decorative lamps and several terracotta items were placed on display in many shops on both side of the road. Here, I had come six months ago but couldn’t come to know the whole colony. I met Gopal kumbhar, who told me little bit about his work and his society. His polite behaviour and tea are still in my remembrance. But today, I wanted to see the colony alone so I didn’t approach Gopal and walked down here and there for half an hour. My long hair and wandering eyes it would be centre for attraction, because some were staring me. Before the chowk, on the left side of the road, I saw a tent (here each and every house is made of cement) without any hesitation, I intered into the tent where a young man 20, and a lady 45, were enjoying their work. I introduced my self before they asked. The young man is Dharmveer and the lady his mother, Sumitradevi. She is widow and has three children. Her elder son, Dharmveer is 10th pass, Anita is second child and after 8th she left the school. Third is Sumit studying in class 5th and his family wants to see him in higher education. Dharamveer doesn’t want him to involve in this profession.I asked him, do you not like your profession? He replied” yes I love, but it is not enough to fulfill the hungry stomach. It has less income and lots of difficulties”. Her mother is from Bahadurgarh, Harayana. Before marriage she didn’t know about clay work, because her father’s family is engaged in other works. After marriage she used to work with clay and often helped her husband. Unexpected death of Dharmvee’rs father forced her to deal with coming challenges. That’s why she placed herself as a fultimer in this profession. Her husband’s four brothers and her family jointly work on the same place, for they pay 25000 thousand per year, but they have separate kitchens.Dharmveer’s family make decorative lamps, idols, plaques, altars, flower pots etc. They make different items after getting orders. Some potters are engaged in marketing and only deals with producers and consumers.( I met a kumbhar in Safdarjung Enclave, who sells clay objects but does not know the pottery skill.)Abstract of conversation with Dharmveer on the art and technique:How long have you been in this work?Since childhood. But totally involved after 10th.How much you earn?It depends on market demand and season. It varies between 4000 and 6000 monthly. But due to shortage of demand we don’t do anything for months.Tell me about your technique, from where you get row materials and when the kiln is fired?Our technique is just similar as other ones. First give proper shape on chaak(electrified) and dry in sun, then colouring which depends upon need and bake at last. We fire the kiln on demand. In rainy season we don’t fire.I have seen some works in Bihar(Darbhanga), Bengal(Bankura), U.P.(Gorakhpur). They are very artistic and very demanding. Why don’t you make like them?Clay from those places is very smooth and handy for moulding, because it is naturally wet. We used to take clay from Harayana which is dry, crumbly and deserve less plasticity.Here, female members actively participate with males. Only males work on chaak. Rest of work such as carving, drying and colouring are done by females. The chief of muhalla is Pradhan who is elected by kumbhar community. His decisions are supreme and generally acceptable. Price determination of artifacts and terracotta products and social problems are solved by him.While working they were talking with me. After one hour when her mother left, I asked some personal questions.Have you fallen in love ever?I hardly get time, and even its not possible here. A guy was severely beaten up in return of loving a girl of his age in the muhalla.So what do you do in spare time?Roaming with friends is my favorite time pass, not so far, but near about Janak Place.(a market complex)Have you been to LalQuila ever?Yes, seen from outside. It was built by a great king!It was 6.30 pm. I took permission to leave promising him to meet again soon. Before leaving I saw his workshop at a glance, the kiln and terracotta objects scattered around.I will introduce you the brief history of terracotta next time. At the same time my journey to Bankura and Darbhanga will unveil some interesting facts about this art. That’s it for now. See youNishant


ONE WITH THE CLAYThe Art of Indo Pottery Making and its Development in Trinidad & Tobago
“There is probably no class of object which gives so much information concerning the culture of a people as pottery.”
India has a long and rich tradition of Pottery. From time immemorial, men have used earth to make life comfortable and beautiful. They have used the muck and the mire of the earth to craft useful utensils, instruments, and other utilitarian devices. Earth was used to animate human imagination in the form of local deities, decorative figurines, beautiful statues and a host of interesting toys and dolls. It is said that man was born of the earth and is returned to earth. It is hardly surprising that man has crafted the most beautiful of things from earth – the element of which he himself is made.
In celebration of Indian Arrival Day, we honour the many contributions made bythe indentured Indians, who came to settle in Trinidad and Tobago. They brought their skills as: jewelers, tailors, tattoo-makers, musicians, sweet-makers, basket – makers and potters. One With the Clay: The Exhibition spotlights - The Art ofIndo Pottery Making and its Development in Trinidad & Tobago.
“Every ancient civilization on earth has left behind something of its legacy in clay.” Archaeologists have proven via excavation of the ruins of the indigenous First Peoples – the Amerindians, that they crafted their own forms of pottery. These clay items were traditionally used for religious and household purposes.However, the Amerindian population eventually diminished, along with their unique style of pottery. When the indentured Indians arrived they bridged the pottery gap. Like the Amerindians, the Indians originally used their pottery for basic household use and religious rituals. Today the craft of clay has evolved into a vibrant commercial venture such as: art décor and other beautiful and interesting contemporary items. The exhibition’s theme One With the Clay speaks to the blending of culture, people and art. It began with the Amerindians, continued with the Indentured Indians and has now been adopted by other ethnic groups in our society.
Many potters describe their labour of love as “Spiritual” they claim that you have to be One With the Clay. This art form is about patience and passion, and in the realm of pottery making, the clay has become symbolic of a natural bonding element that connects people, places and culture. It is the essence of beauty, formed out of the raw abundance of the earth. Out of a simple lump of earth, the master potter lovingly guides skilful hands, the potter’s wheel complies, the clay yields, takes shape and character and simply a masterpiece is born.
There are a multitude of potters around the globe made up of varied races and creed, and despite their demographic or psychographic composition they speak a universal language; one only the master potter truly comprehends. The artistry of the moulding and sculpting of the clay has transcended - race, creed, age, gender and nationality.
The exhibition traces this artistic journey and features the work of three of Trinidad and Tobago’s finest potters - Radika’s Pottery - Edinburgh Village, S & S Deonarine – Tabaquite and Ajoupa Pottery – Chickland, Carapichaima. Both Radika’s Pottery and S& S Deonarine are potters who emanate from a rich family lineage of Indian potters.